Aug 14, 2024

Insights from a Survey of 50 Garden Designers

Insights from a Survey of 50 Garden Designers

Creepers Nursery took advantage of the SGD Spring Conference to gather insights from the garden designers present about current trends.

In the survey involving 50 garden designers, the emerging trends in garden design reflect a strong shift towards sustainability, nature-centric layouts, and resilience against climate challenges. The results highlight a collective move towards more environmentally conscious and low-maintenance gardens that not only cater to aesthetic values but also prioritise ecological benefits.

Key Trends in Modern Garden Design:

  1. Naturalistic and Sustainable Approaches: A significant number of designers are adopting a naturalistic approach, focusing on creating spaces that blend seamlessly with nature rather than competing with it. This includes using native plants, promoting biodiversity, and employing sustainable practices like water retention and low irrigation schemes.
  2. Drought Resilience and Low Maintenance: With changing climate conditions, there is a noticeable pivot towards drought-tolerant planting. Gardeners are increasingly favouring plants that require less water and maintenance, ensuring that gardens are both beautiful and resilient. This trend is closely tied with the concept of xeriscaping and the use of dry gardens and gravel gardens.
  3. Reclaimed and Local Materials: In line with the circular economy, there is a growing preference for using reclaimed materials and sourcing plants locally. This not only reduces the carbon footprint associated with transporting materials but also supports local ecosystems and economies.
  4. Focus on Soil Health and Biodiversity: Soil health is a cornerstone of sustainable gardening, with many designers emphasising the importance of nurturing soil to support diverse planting. This approach supports more robust plant growth and a healthier garden ecosystem overall.
  5. Designs Tailored to Client Needs and Site Specifics: While the trend is decidedly green and naturalistic, designers also stress the importance of customising gardens to fit the specific needs and preferences of clients. This includes integrating elements like outdoor kitchens, urban courtyards, and even spaces designed for wildlife.
  6. Innovative Use of Space and Plants: From edibles mixed into ornamental gardens to bold, structured plantings that feature a mix of shrubs and perennials, designers are getting creative with how they use both plants and garden spaces. There is also a noticeable trend towards creating rain gardens and incorporating elements that attract and support local wildlife.
  7. Aesthetic and Functional Blends: The survey revealed a blend of traditional and contemporary styles, with a push towards modern designs that do not forsake the classic beauty of garden landscapes. This includes integrating modern elements like crushed materials for pathways with traditional cottage-style planting or Mediterranean-inspired designs.

The survey clearly shows that today's garden designers are not just creating spaces that are visually appealing but are deeply invested in the environmental impact and sustainability of their designs. As we move forward, these trends are likely to shape not just individual gardens but the broader landscape of urban and suburban environments, promoting a greener, more sustainable approach to living with nature.

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